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TracTuff EGR Passage Plug



The TracTuff EGR Passage Plug was brought to market shortly after my decision to o-ring the sealing surface of my V1 and V2 K24A/ A2/ A4/ A8 and K20Z3 RAA/ RBB/ RBC/ RSP style upper water neck flanges.

When I decided to o-ring my flanges (June 2023 for V1 and October 2023 for V2) I was not aware of any issues associated with my competitors product (I guess that's what I get for taking ques from the competition). It wasn't until a few months later that I'd start to hear about a dark fluid leaking out of their flanges. Seeing as how their product is leaving an unsightly mess... its just a matter of time before mine do, so I'm trying to do something about it.

If you purchased one of my RBB/ RBC style O-RINGED flanges OR any of my fabricated products that use one of those O-RINGED flanges during the time period listed above, you have 6 months (from 5/1/24) to send an email to asking for a discount code that makes this FREE. You MUST include your original purchases invoice number. I will confirm your purchase and respond with a code... come back here, add it to cart, and pay for the shipping.

I know this is going to be an issue... so I'll say this AGAIN. If you received a flange with a completely flat backside, you also received a Genuine Honda gasket. The use of the Genuine Honda gasket eliminates the need for this plug. This is NOT for you! 

NOTE: If you own a KTUNED product or any one of their knock-offs... this will also work for you. The leak does not lead to any performance issues but it can leave a mess. If you are NOT experiencing any issues, there is no need to turn this into one. If you are buying my V1 or V2 flanges or any fabricated products that use those flanges... this plug will be included WHEN NECESSAY. I repeat, DO NOT ORDER THIS IF YOU ARE MAKING A NEW PURCHASE AFTER 5/1/24. I will include the plug with all orders that REQUIRE it.

Installation Guide


Due to what seems to be a rather wide range of tolerances for this passage OR the heavy build up of carbon in the passage, it has been very difficult to get a consistent fit. I have used a total of four inhouse cylinder heads to create the pins dimensions and so far... all have fit height wise. what is important, is that the installed height of the plug be as close to the gasket surface as possible. If that requires you to gently to firmly tap the plug to get it there, so be it. If the plug appears to be to big or the fit too tight, you might want to try freezing it and reattempt.

Ultimately the water neck is meant to hold the plug down and a bead of Hondabond that has been allowed to mostly cure will do a good job of keeping pressure on it once the water neck is tightened. If the Hondabond is not firm enough... you cant expect the plug to generate a great seal. Still, it should work considerably better than the alternative.

Use a flashlight to identify the passage; it will help to know where the product is going to go. It may not appear that there is one... but its there.

Here is a photo with a light pointed into the exhaust port for reference.

Insert the plug into the passage by hand and push it in as far as possible. If it is not flush with the gasket surface, use a hammer to gently but firmly tap it so that it is. If you are afraid of hitting the gasket surface... use an old bolt or socket extension as a driver. 

Once the plug is flush with the gasket surface, add a dab of Hondabond to the top of the plug. Allow the Hondabond to almost completely cure before installing your upper water neck. this will take some time, so don't rush it.
